Update your site wide settings
All of your site settings can be edited by browsing to "Admin" > "Settings". There are a number of tabs that segregate your settings into specific areas. These are:
- Basic Details - you can edit your organisations' address and contact details, social media settings, security settings and basic information about your organisation. You can also find the shareable QR code for your website.
- Payment - connect to Stripe for processing Debit / Credit card payments.
- Site Design - change the branding of your website including fonts, colours and upload logos. Please click here for further information
- Search & Analytics - Assume ownership of your site with Google Webmaster Tools and track your own traffic with Google Analytics.
- Fundraising - Enter information about your fundraising goals and achievements which will show a fundraising thermometer on your home page.
- Customer Roles - Share the workload of administering your website by restricting administrative access to other registered users.
- GDPR Questionnaire - Inform us of your legal basis for processing data under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
- Pages - specify which "global" pages should appear in your "About us" menu.
Connect to Stripe for processing debit / credit card payments.
Your organisation will need to set up a Stripe account to take payments online which can be done by browsing to "Admin" > "Settings" > "Payment" tab. Our platform is integrated with Stripe because they offer the best rate for securing credit card transactions. They will charge you a transaction fee of 1.5% + 20p per transaction when on their business rate and 1.2% + 20p per transaction if you are on their charity rate. Once your business account is set up then immediately apply for their charity rate by emailing nonprofit@stripe.com to request their non-profit pricing and provide proof of your charitable status. You can choose when setting up an event whether you pass this fee on to your customers as a compulsory booking fee, voluntary fee which your customers must opt in to pay or there is no fee as you've swallowed the fee into the ticket / product price.
See more information about configuring Stripe here.
Check your branding & logos
When we set up your website we usually find the branding / logos from your existing site or from your affiliated organisation (school, club or charity etc). We will send you an email to let you know when we have finished branding your website. Please check the branding we’ve applied and if you need to make any changes you can browse to "Admin" > "Settings" > "Site Design" where you can choose your fonts, colours and replace any logos. Note that when you upload logos they should be in the specified format and at the correct size. If you need any help then drop us an email or click here for further information.
There are 4 images we will add to your site:
- Logo with text which is visible on a desktop. This must be maximum of 600 pixels wide x 66 pixels high and in PNG format on a transparent background.
- Logo (No text) which is visible on a mobile or tablet. This must be maximum of 300 pixels wide x 66 pixels high and in PNG format on a transparent background.
- Banner which can be found in the event image gallery and can be used as a carousel image. This must be 600 pixels wide x 275 pixels high and in JPG format.
- Facebook share image - This is used when you share to Facebook. This must be maximum of 300 pixels wide x 300 pixels high and in JPG format.
Add committee members
Once registered on site you, members can then be added to your committee so they are visible to your community. Please click here for further information.
Add classes
For most of your child-only events you will need to know the class for the booking. Add your classes by browsing to "Admin" > "Classes" and then select "Add Class" from the manage menu to ensure that your parents can complete the checkout process. Please click here for further information.
Add an event using an existing template
Browse to "Admin" > "Events" and then select from the dropdown list of event template wizards found in the manage menu to quickly add common types of event. Or, if you want more control, click "Add Event" where you can add many different types of event. Once your event has been added, click "Manage" and you can then manage all the different areas of your event from adding tickets / products for sale to adding tasks for volunteers and auction lots. Further information can be found here.
A unique QR code and event URL can be found for each event by heading to "Admin" > "Events" > "Manage" for the particular event you need, and then select "View QR Code" from the dropdown list:
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